Exposed: The 4 Fatal Flaws in Leadership Training Programs

Mar 31, 2024

Have you done Leadership Development Programs and not seen the behaviour change from the participants?

Are you about to do Leadership Development and want to get great results.

This short video could be very helpful.

Know This:

1) You are not alone: McKinsey found that 70% of Leadership Development programs fail to change Leader's Behaviours.

2) HR, its not your fault: the Leadership Development industry has not provided you with the tools and systems to do really transformative work. Transformation, not training, is what you need in Leadership Development.

3) Success in leadership development is primarily measured by Changed Behaviours

4 Fatal Flaws in Leadership Training Programs

1) Content: Most programs are focused on providing Knowledge about Leadership, but knowledge does not change behaviour. Mindset and Beliefs impact Behaviours way more than Knowledge.

2) Structure: Transformation needs time, 2/3-day program dont work. They dont provide enough time for the critical elements of behaviour change which include time to implement, accountability for implementing, support for implementing and spaced repetition (the mother of all learning).

3) Assessments: most of the Personality Profiles and Psychometrics are not really data rich. They do not tell you the underlying drivers and origins of behaviours and the subconscious programming that is driving current behaviours.

4) The Facilitator: does your facilitator have expertise and experience in human behaviour change? Most facilitators don't. Most anyone can get certified in coaching and training if they can afford it but do they understand neuroscience and behaviour change.

Address the 4 Fatal Flaws and you will see a dramatic improvement in your results from your leadership development programs.

If you want more information on how to make it happen, you can book an Exploratory call with me at