Discover How to get UnStuck so You Can Transform Your  Professional & Personal Life

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Entrepreneur Coaching

Designed for Freedom, Start or Grow Your Business based on your experience, knowledge, purpose and desired lifestyle. Find what lights YOU up and build a financially stable business that give you the time to enjoy the people and things You love.


Life Coaching

Stuck, Stressed and Not Sure how to move forward. Get UnStuck Fast. Transform Your Life with the most advanced coaching process available today. Life will Never be the same after your coaching with me.

Leadership Coaching

Influence and Impact others with confidence. Become the leader you are born to be.  Identify and remove barriers to your optimal performance and success as a leader.

Why Work With Me?

I will help you get the results you want. My special skill is finding exactly what is keeping you back from your success and happiness. 

I have been working on understand human behaviour, motivation, success and the mind for 23 years and have had thousands of client hours. Through my own personal struggles with achieving the life I dreamt off, I have developed this Proven Process that have helped hundreds of my clients. 

All together, I have a  unique combination of qualifications and experiences which creates a truly rare perspective to business and life.

  • MSc in Strategic Thinking
  • MSc in eBusiness
  • 15 years of corporate experience in HR and Corporate Services
  • 11 years of Entrepreneurship
  • 11 years of Consulting and Coaching
  • Life long personal development and mentorship
  • Association with world class experts
  • Spirituality 

My client list include the Chief of Performance for the United Nations and a General Manager at Coca Cola Middle East.

Above all, my deep commitment and care for my clients creates a truly nurturing environment that fosters openness and growth.


But it wasn't always that way

I am from a small village in Trinidad in the Caribbean, my childhood was marked with poverty, domestic violence and family illiteracy.

I did not have electricity or running water until I was 10, almost dying of starvation when I was 5 and had to study for my 11+ exam with a kerosene lamp.

With my beloved scout leader passing at an early age, I had no real mentor or guide to pull him through a tough early childhood, so I had to develop my own principles of success and went on to defy the odds.

I was trapped in the corporate matrix for many years while my higher calling and purpose of coaching was gnawing at me. I was finally able to break free and create several businesses with helping people and organisations reaching their highest potential as the common vision.

Never Settle and Always Go For 10!




"I met Shane Ram at an event nurturing the spirit of Champions in London in 2017. Having bought a VIP ticket, I was also able to take advantage of socializing with the organizers and the speakers. As Shane Ram was one of the speakers, upon exchanging viewpoints and more deeper discussions, I decided to purchase a package of his mentoring sessions. The results have been amazing and I recommend his coaching and mentoring products to everyone seeking guidance, focus and resilience. Most importantly, Shane also helps in identifying and removing blocks to your success. He has done so with mine. THANK YOU Shane for all your help!"

Private Investor, Business Owner, Author and Business Owner

"'When I came across Shane's program, I was in a very dark place in my life; confused, depressed, heartbroken, despondent and cynical are some of the words I can use to describe how I felt. I believe I was working very hard to overcome these emotions however, dealing with them on my own proved difficult and it was easy to slip back into old habits. Shane helped me to truly face my fears and "demons" and somehow, somewhere, deep down inside me I was able to find the determination and purpose that was missing from my life for so long. For the first time in my adult life, I can truly say that I am happy and I am happy not because someone else made me happy but I am happy because I am finally comfortable in my own skin and living a purpose driven life filled with passion and positivity.'"

Joannah Nelson

"I have been on an Awesome journey with Shane Ram. His program led me on a journey of discovering who I am authentically. Setting my future goals, brought to the surface the person I needed to be and always knew was hidden within me. I had no choice but to face my limitations, doubts and fears. Shane asked all the scary questions, and made me accountable for every aspect of manifesting courage, clarity and confidence in myself, and to thrive instead of surviving. I have met three of my goals and continue the daily execution and action towards the others. Shane Ram is an inspiration to myself and my family."

Diana Francis

"I thank Shane Ram for all the help, inspiration I got during my journey. I have always felt very good whenever I have talked to him. He has helped me in becoming aware of my blind spots, motivating me during my low times , giving strategies to help overcome my challenges and someone who is very friendly - I liked the openness with which I could interact anything with him."

Balasubramanyam Kowdlel

"I met Shane about 6 months ago, when I was at a very dark place in my life, my stress, anxiety and insomnia were out of control, I felt trapped in a life that had no passion, purpose or joy. Thanks to Covid-19, I could not escape my life. It was in that moment I needed help and I had no idea what having a coach meant, I honestly thought that through this process I would figure out what Masters program to do that would give me another career option. From the first point of interacting with Shane I felt his confidence and belief in me. I would say this his program works if you work it. I was more than ready for a change and to do the work, with Shane's guidance and coaching in 3 months I found my purpose and passion for life. I learnt to love the life I was living while working to create the life I now knew I wanted. Another 3 months down the road and I am about to launch my own business, something I never thought was possible for me, a former lifetime student and employee. Here is the thing I could have spent the next 10 or 15 years of my life struggling to figure it out on my own. But just making the decision to invest myself and work with Shane, took me out of the path of struggle and onto the path of clarity all in just 6 months. Don't think about booking your consult with Shane just do it, the version of yourself that awaits you is beyond anything you can imagine."

Lawyer, Coach, Aspiring Writer

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