Future Ready Leadership: 8 Must Have Strategies for Tomorrow's Leaders

Want to Thrive in an Uncertain and Volatile Future?

'Discover the 8 Must Have Strategies to Thrive in a world that IS and will be Volatile, Uncertain, Complex & Ambiguous without The Overwhelm'


This is a great place to put your CTA that you have been building towards in your video.


No joke.  I want to know if you can help save the world. 

You know what time it is.  The coronavirus pandemic is spreading, civil strife is increasing, we’re in a worldwide depression, whole countries are in isolation, millions of jobs have been vaporized, wars and conflicts are raging, and anxiety levels are at an all-time high.  Right now, the world needs LEADERS.  Dare I say it… 

Right now, the world needs you. 

But in order to help others YOU must build the RESILIENCE and have the TOOLS required  to navigate and THRIVE through disruption and this is exactly what Future Ready Leadership is meant to help you with.

Written in the full grip of a global pandemic, the principles and strategies covered are applicable anytime you decide to stop, reflect and contemplate on, ‘What’s next?’. Future Ready Leadership offers sound advice, helps you to immediately reframe your thinking, document your thoughts and then turn these into tangible actions.

And I want to help YOU to help others so I am including One Month of Leadership Coaching as a Bonus along with the book. 

Apply the Strategies in this book to your business
or career and you'll see results.  Apply them to the
rest of your life and you will forever be Thriving.

Praise for Shane & Future Ready Leadership

"Every new level of success requires a NEW YOU, and Shane Ram helps you get to that next level Quickly"


"Having had the privilege of getting a first look...this is truly one of those books that you need in your library - for both professional and personal use! Proof-reading this was easy, I only got distracted as I was taking notes of the great advice on offer 😁. Congratulations!"


"The Functional Executive Coaching process used by Shane here is as unique as it effective in identifying the root cause of any leadership dilemma, before moving on to create a platform for powerful behaviour change by helping us to understand ourselves and those around us on a much deeper level. Functional Executive Coaching complements any leadership development program and I recommend that you include it in yours too."


Shane Ram

Best Selling Author of Conversations with Millionaires, Mike Litman, said that 'Every level of success requires are New You and Shane Ram gets you to that level quickly.

His strikingly effective coaching process shows individuals and corporate teams how to get UnStuck so they can create the personal lives they want while becoming a megastar at work.

Shane is an Executive & Life Coach, Property Investor, Author and a sought after Global Keynote Speaker. He is the  Founder Go For 10 an education system for The New Way of Living.

Shane works with CEOs, corporations, senior executives, 6-7 Figure business owners and entrepreneurs to increase revenue, grow their businesses and live more fulfilling lives - the 10 Life!


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